august bullet journal setup✨⭐️


Everyone; school starts for me this month. How crazy is that? I feel like the summer was really long but also really short at the same time. Anyway, I can’t seem to figure out whether I’m upset that school is starting or happy… my emotions are everywhere:’D Either way, I’m excited to be finishing up high school and moving on.

The theme I used as inspiration for this month mostly came from Pinterest! I thought it was super adorable and fit into a classic sophisticated rose gold aesthetic🌷

let’s go!

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🍓attempting to make fruit ink🍒


I am back yet again with an experiment type post! What can I say? I have way too much time on my hands.

I’ve been wanting to test this out for a while now. Basically I’ve been wondering how effective fruit juice would be when used as ink. I had a lot of fun doing this! Enjoy:)

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*bullet journal* May setup

Hello, lovelies💜

I finally got around to making a bullet journal post! I’ve been bullet journaling for about 5 months – I asked for a blackout bullet journal last year for Christmas. It was my first bullet journal and I can say that I’m in love!

Before I get started, I want to thank Jasmin at for inspiring me to finally get this bullet journal post going… please go check out all her amazing bullet journal posts:)

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